10 Reasons Web Developers Should Learn AngularJS

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 AngularJS  referred to as "Angular.js" or "AngularJS 1.X" is a Java Script-based open-source 
front-end web application framework mainly maintained by Google and by a community of individuals and corporations to address many of the challenges encountered in developing single-page applications. The JavaScript components complement Apache Cordova, the framework used for developing cross-platform mobile apps. It aims to simplify both the development and the testing of such applications by providing a framework for client-side model–view–controller (MVC) and model–view–viewmodel (MVVM) architectures, along with components commonly used in rich Internet applications. In 2014, the original AngularJS team began working on Angular (Application Platform).
The AngularJS framework works by first reading the HTML page, which has embedded into it additional custom tag attributes. Angular interprets those attributes as directives to bind input or output parts of the page to a model that is represented by standard JavaScript variables. The values of those JavaScript variables can be manually set within the code, or retrieved from static or dynamic JSON resources.

10 Reasons Web Developers Should Learn AngularJS

1. AngularJS Gives XAML Developers a Place to Go on the Web

2. AngularJS Gets Rid of Ritual and Ceremony

<span style="font-family: consolas;"><input data-ng-model=’synchronizeThis’/><span>{{synchronizeThis}}</span></span>
Of course you’ll seldom have the luxury of building an app that simple, but it illustrates how easy and straightforward data-binding can be in the Angular world. There is very little ritual or ceremony involved with standing up a model that participates in data-binding. You don’t have to derive from an existing object or explicitly declare your properties and dependencies – for the most part, you can just pass something you already have to Angular and it just works. That’s very powerful. If you’re curious how it works, Angular uses dirty tracking.
Although I understand some other frameworks have gotten better with this, moving away from our existing framework where we had to explicitly map everything over to an interim object to data-bind to Angular was like a breath of fresh air … things just started coming together more quickly and I felt like was duplicating less code (who wants to define a contact table, then a contact domain object on the server, then a contact JSON object that then has to be passed to a contact client-side model just to, ah, display details about a contact?)

3.AngularJS Handles Dependencies

4.AngularJS Allows Developers to Express UI Declaratively and Reduce Side Effects

5. AngularJS Embraces DD … Er, Testing

6. AngularJS Enables Massively Parallel Development.

7, AngularJS Enables a Design <—> Development Workflow.

8. AngularJS Gives Developers Controls.

9. AngularJS Helps Developers Manage State.

10. AngularJS Supports Single Page Applications.


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